Hi! I'm selling a bunch of board games to clear some shelf space. They are in a good condition, though in some cases there is some scuffing/sun fading to the boxes – ask me for details if you’re interested. The prices don't include postage, which would be £3 for smaller games and £6 for larger games. Pickup in London can be arranged. I'm very open to offers – I tried to price them fairly compared to what showed up on boardgameprices.co.uk searches :)
Dixit (includes expansions Dixit 2 and 3 all in one box) - £25 Eight Minute Empire - £18 Flash Point: Fire Rescue - £22 Harbour - £20 In a Bind - £9 Inkognito (French edition with English paste-ups. One of the musketeers was missing its hat so I created one out of playdough and it’s almost indistinguishable. The nose of the mask has a blue stain on it - I can try to mask it with miniature paint and varnish before sending) - £15 The Lord of the Rings (the Reiner Knizia game; one of the player minis is missing, one is broken – they can be replaced with meeples from any other game) - £15 Monsterpocalypse (2 player battle box with some extras: full Planet Eaters and Cthulhu, some Martians, extra maps) - £70 Mysterium (Polish edition “Tajemnicze Domostwo” – the game is language independent though) - £20 Nexus Ops (Avalon Hill edition with phosphorescent miniatures) - £50 Pax Porfiriana - £40 Pocket Battles: Orcs vs. Elves, Celts vs. Romans, Macedonians vs. Persians - £20 each or £50 for all 3 Prince of Chaos: Battle for Tae Orn - £25 Red November (small stains on the rulebook and the cheat sheet – see photo) - £20 Red Outpost - £20 Risk Legacy (played 3 times with some stickers on the board) - £15 Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island (1st edition) - £35 Through the Ages (first edition) - £35 Tiny Epic Kingdoms - £17 UNDO: Curse from the Past - £7 Venom Assault - £40 Witness (German edition still in shrink – the game is very language dependent so don’t make my mistake and only buy it if you and 3 of your friends speak German ;) ) - £20
I’m also interested in trading (or partial trades) for any of the following games: Bullet<3 The Initiative Legion of Honor Obsession Oltréé Sleeping Gods So Long My World Stardew Valley