Posted 2/18/11 11:36 AM
Next week's meeting, "The Unseen", got me thinking about games I own which I haven't seen played at London On Board yet. I don't make it to every meeting, so I'm sure some of these have been played. Perhaps you can help whittle the list down by letting me know which ones have been played. Then, if there's particular demand for any game I can bring it along. None of my games have been played at LoB (it's tricky to find space to bring them down from Sheffield), so it's about time I contributed! Here's the list, in order of their BGG rank. I've put my favourites in bold. 11. El Grande 21. The Princes of Florence 29. Shogun 30. Die Macher 75. Amun-Re 87. Tikal 121. Carson City 140. Thebes 142. Reef Encounter 143. Princes of the Renaissance 146. Web of Power 149. La Citta 150. Maharaja 152. Torres 169. Louis XIV 171. Hollywood Blockbuster 180. San Marco 186. Medici 189. Antike 208. Attika 219. Domaine 245. The Sceptre of Zavandor 246. Arkadia 258. Liberte 260. In the Shadow of the Emperor 264. Hansa 277. Mykerinos 279. Medina 282. Ys 299. Leonardo da Vinci 302. Ricochet Robots 326. Witch's Brew 328. Himalaya 329. Factory Fun 330. Expedition Pyramide/Ubongo 343. Can't Stop 353. Peloponnes 362. Hermagor 368. Gulo Gulo 370. Edel, Stein & Reich 382. Elfenland 383. The Princes of Machu Picchu 402. Um Reifenbreite 409. Cartagena 416. Diamant 417. Royal Palace 425. Turn the Tide 427. El Capitan 429. Jamaica 431. Kreta 502. Sylla 565. Key Harvest 578. Timbuktu 579. Tempus 587. Adel Verpflichtet 644. Take It Easy! 664. Cavum 667. Hick Hack in Gackelwack/Pick Picnic 678. Code 777 707. Identik 733. Zicke Zacke Huhnerkacke/Chicken Cha Cha Cha 735. Key Market 753. Bargain Hunter 795. Norenberc 826. Giganten der Lufte/Airships 831. Portobello Market 839. Darjeeling 854. Patrician 858. Graenaland 876. Magnum Sal 934. Heimlich & Co. Other fun ones unjustly outside the Top 1000: 1026. Die Saulen von Venedig 1036. The Mines of Zavandor 1255. Mosaix 2751. Globalissimo 3566. Funfair
Posted 2/18/11 12:06 PM
I have definitely seen or played these at LoB: 11. El Grande 21. The Princes of Florence 29. Shogun 75. Amun-Re 87. Tikal 121. Carson City 140. Thebes 142. Reef Encounter 152. Torres 169. Louis XIV 171. Hollywood Blockbuster 180. San Marco 186. Medici 189. Antike 219. Domaine 264. Hansa 279. Medina 326. Witch's Brew 328. Himalaya 502. Sylla 587. Adel Verpflichtet I'd like to try: 140. Thebes 146. Web of Power 150. Maharaja 258. Liberte 260. In the Shadow of the Emperor 282. Ys 326. Witch's Brew 329. Factory Fun 370. Edel, Stein & Reich 431. Kreta 753. Bargain Hunter
Posted 2/18/11 6:40 PM
Rich I have seen these played 11. El Grande (Saw it being played last week) 21. The Princes of Florence (i played this) 87. Tikal (Saw this played a couple of weeks ago) 121. Carson City (I played this soon after it came out) 140. Thebes (I have played this) 171. Hollywood Blockbuster (I have this and have played it a few times at LoB) 180. San Marco (I have seen this being played) 186. Medici (I have this and have played it a couple of times at LoB) 383. The Princes of Machu Picchu (played this a couple of years ago at LoB) 409. Cartagena (I played this at one of the Sunday sessions) 429. Jamaica I played this when it was new) 578. Timbuktu (played this at a Sunday Session) 579. Tempus (I have seen this played) 587. Adel Verpflichtet (I have Fair means or Foul, the first English version until they gave it the awful rename to Hoity Toity. Never seen any of the version played at Lob though) 795. Norenberc (I have seen this being played at one of the Sunday Sessions) Some games I have that I have never seen played at Lob include: Management Dispatcher Mythology Rail Baron Maharaja (Avalon Hill game) Guerilla Gangsters Win, Place or Show Candidate (I did bring it in once, but not played) Mr President Maxi Bourse Express Antiquity (though it surely has been) Roads and Boats Automania El Caballero Candamir: The First Settlers Settlers of the Stone Age Freedom In The Galaxy Gangland Orient Express Poseidon (This probably has been) Volldampf Way Out West Happy to bring any of them if anyone is interested.
Posted 2/19/11 7:33 PM
I have played Antiquity, Roads and Boats and Poseidon. Happy to play the first two any time.
Posted 2/20/11 11:49 AM
I have and really like Himalaya, too, and I have brought and played it a couple of times. I would like to try Witch's Brew and Royal Palace if you bring them - as well as Graenaland for the upcoming Czech / Vlaada themed night maybe.
Posted 2/20/11 4:14 PM
I'll bring Witch's Brew and Edel, Stein & Reich, as they're both small (although I suppose they're fairly similar games too) and I'll see what else will fit in my bag. Would like to give Antiquity a go one day, since I've heard such good things about it. That's another epic, isn't it?
Posted 2/20/11 6:33 PM
We did it 4 pl starting at 6:30 ending at 10 incl some rules explanation so moderately epic but not too bad.
Posted 2/21/11 11:13 AM
i have played Way out West at London on Board (about 3 years ago i think with Scott ,Steph and ?)
Posted 2/22/11 8:03 AM
I've played Shogun, Reef Encounter, Carson City, and seen Antike played.
Posted 2/22/11 8:04 AM
Oh, and El Grande.
Paul A
Posted 3/4/11 12:26 PM
Always and any time John. We should also have a game of Combat COmmander sometime.